Benefits of Summer Speech Therapy

man woman and child holding hands on the beach

Help Your Child Over the Summer

If you think back to learning important skills in childhood, such as tying your shoes or riding a bicycle, what did your parents always tell you? Perhaps, “practice makes perfect,” or “you won’t succeed unless you try!” The same principles hold true for becoming an effective communicator. Summer speech therapy can be an important part of your child’s success.

Communication is a critical component of daily life, as well as one of the most important skills your child will develop. If your child experiences delays in communication, working with a pediatric speech-language pathologist at an early age can help to address speech and language concerns and prevent further developmental delays. Children who receive speech therapy services during the school year receive consistent (if not daily) support, which results in great gains. As parents, it is incredibly exciting to see a child build positive skills throughout the school year. This progress should not stop when summer approaches.

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