Speech Therapy Consultations for Parents

Tired of being on a long waitlist for speech therapy services?
Know that your child needs support with their communication but don't know where to start?
Looking to get some tips that you can use at home to help your child?

Schedule a 30-minute online speech screening and parent consultation with a licensed Speech-Language Pathologist to discuss your child’s individual needs and walk away with specific strategies you can start using at home immediately. With over 15 years of experience working with children, Jessica Abawag has worked with hundreds of families and their children to guide them through their difficulties with speech and language. She’s worked on articulation (pronunciation of sounds), first words and early language skills, apraxia of speech, receptive and expressive language disorders, and social skills. 

During the consult, you will:

  • Discuss your specific concerns regarding your child’s speech and language
  • Include your child for the first few minutes so a screening can be completed to see if further evaluation is needed
  • Come up with 1-3 areas to start working on with your child to avoid feeling overwhelmed
  • Get insight as to how you can support your child’s communication using things you already have at home without drastically changing routines
  • Talk about a plan for the next steps and monitoring to ensure your child is continuing to improve in their speech and language skills
  • Receive a one-page written summary with recommendations and strategies discussed (sent via email following the consultation)


Instead of continuing to wait for an opening at a local clinic while your child’s frustration increases, book a consult today so you can start supporting your child to communicate more clearly.  


7 Ways to Know Your Child Needs Help with Speech

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"My son at the time was 18 months old and struggling to say more than just 'mama'. After his doctor kept telling me to wait it out, I took it upon myself to find him a speech therapist and he has been thriving. The receptionist, April, is so sweet and ready to help. Jessica and Sadie have been doing an amazing job working with him and improving his development. He is about to turn 2 and is communicating so much better. Highly recommended."
- Emily