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Why Is My Child Biting and Hitting Other Kids?

Your personal angel Your little guy is such a sweetheart.  He’s always giving you hugs and covering your face with kisses.  He’s constantly smiling and he’ll just start laughing and giggling for no reason.  It just makes your heart glad to have such a well-behaved child. One day you’re picking him up from preschool and his teacher wants a quick word. You’re sure it’s going to be some sort of glowing report so you’re all ears.  At first you don’t register what they’re saying, it’s almost like they’re speaking a foreign language.  Then it finally sinks in: your little angel is biting and hitting other kids!   Confusion It’s a little hard to believe because he doesn’t act that way at all when he’s at home with you.  A part of you wants to think his teacher could be making it all up.  But you see the teeth marks and bruises on one of the poor … Keep Reading…

Why You Should Use a Pacing Board

Karaoke! Isn’t karaoke the best?  No matter what happens, it’s always fun.  Wincing inside but clapping wholeheartedly for the people who just don’t have it.  Watching in fascination when someone truly talented sings, someone who may even sound better than the original singer! And then it’s your turn.  You try to get out of it, but everyone eggs you on until you have no choice.  Nervously you choose your song and tell the deejay.  You grab the mike, stare at the screen, and now it’s the moment of truth: do you come in at the perfect time?  Do you start slow and continue to drag behind?  Are you singing so fast you sound like an auctioneer?   Can you sing the melody, but no one understands what you’re saying?  Or are you following the words as they change color, at just the right tempo, all while carrying a tune? The pitfalls of karaoke are not … Keep Reading…

Sensory Bins: Not Just for Speech Therapy!

I need help! Do you miss the days when you could drop off your baby at daycare or your kiddo at preschool?  As much as you love your kids and being around them, there’s always a bunch of things you need to accomplish.  While someone else responsible and capable had them you would go to work, or keep up the house, or did chores, or took care of one of the million and one other things that needed to be done. These days, for the most part, it’s all the same. Your demanding schedule hasn’t changed.  You have to put in the hours to bring in the bacon, the house needs to be maintained, and chores and other important tasks are waiting to be taken care of.   But now that schools and daycares have closed, you have your little one basically every hour of every day. What do you do? How can you get it … Keep Reading…