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Does Your Child Use Jargon?

First time mothers You’re a first time mom, which is like going on an exciting journey with no roadmap whatsoever.  You’re in a constant state of both buoyant joy and crushing exhaustion. That’s why you appreciate the advice from your mom, your sister, all the moms in your life who love you and want you to succeed.  Even though you’ve read all the books, done all the online research and then some, it’s reassuring to see what people you know have actually gone through. The changes are coming so fast.  Constant crying turns to gurgling and sometimes laughter.  Erratic sleep, to snatches of sleep, to sleep training…eventually.  Breastfeeding becomes bottle feeding and then eating solids.  I don’t understand And when it comes to communication, random sounds become gurgling, then babbling, then…nonsense?  The books didn’t mention this!  And come to think of it, your circle of moms didn’t either.  What’s going on? What is jargon? Your … Keep Reading…

AAC Support for Apraxia

The frustration of childhood apraxia of speech Kiddos who face childhood apraxia of speech, or CAS, are constantly experiencing a verbal “knock down drag out” fight.  How frustrating would it be to want to say “ball” and not be able to?  Or to be able to produce sounds, but for other people to hear only gibberish…it’s discouraging to say the least. This is just a small fraction of what kiddos with childhood apraxia of speech endure every day. Another way What if this wasn’t the case?  What if we could bridge that gap for children with CAS so that we could understand what they meant?  What if they could tell us, even without words, what they want us to know? We already have the means in place.  It’s called augmentative/alternative communication, or AAC.  As one site put it, AAC is “any form of communication that a person can use that is not speech.”  It sounds … Keep Reading…

You Can do Speech Therapy at Home

Kids and the new normal Kids have really had it rough this year.  With a few exceptions, they are cooped up at home a lot of the time.  School was cut off several months early, and summer vacation has been pretty lousy.  And to top it off, Disneyland AND Disneyworld were closed! It’s definitely for their safety, as well as ours, but it still takes a toll. And kids continue to face a new normal, especially as it relates to education.  This fall schools will be run completely differently than ever before.  Some schools may not even open. For families who rely on schools for speech therapy, this is a big problem to overcome. There is an answer.  It may not always be easy, but it’s possible: you can do speech therapy at home. Evaluation Let’s start with the basics: your child needs to be evaluated for services.  Speech therapists are professionals with the education … Keep Reading…